A strength training workout for runners that targets the hips and core. Complete workout two to three times per week.
The Workout:
- Jumping Jacks (50)
- Standing Squats (without weights until comfortable) - 15 or 30 seconds
Focus: Sit back and focus on the glutes doing the work. Keep your back neutral and eyes forward. Go as low as possible while maintaining posture.
- T-Pushups (without weights until comfortable) - 10 each arm or 30 seconds
Focus: Slow controlled movements with a focus on the core controlling the downward motion of the arm (eccentric)
- Bridge with straight leg dip - 10 each foot or 30 seconds
Focus: Keep hips even and core tight

- Plank rotation (hold each for 5 seconds) - 6 sets or 30 seconds
Focus: Good strong core with back, butt and legs all aligned. Slow steady movements.
- Step Drops (Use support to keep balance) - 15 each foot or 30 seconds per foot
Focus: Keep hips aligned and focus on the hips controlling the movement slowly.
- Superman - 15 or 30 seconds
Focus: Squeeze core as you raise arms and legs
Workout Tips:
- If you use weights, start light and focus on posture
- Rest 30 seconds between exercises
- Rest 90 seconds between sets
- If doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), do not take any rest between exercises and on 90 seconds between sets. Do up to 4 complete sets
- Form is always the number one priority
- If you have any health issues or concerns, speak with your doctor before attempting